Hey guys! My name is Morgan Mc. and I am a brand new model on the True Amateur Models Website! I once knew a girl that tried nude modeling, but as far as me personally, I’ve never done any nude modeling at all. I am most definitely what you would call an amateur girl. That’s for sure. But the amateur modeling was a lot of fun, and Ray was also very professional with his approach when he met me at the park, as well as at the modeling shoot. I really enjoyed shooting and I had a great time! I was out walking my dog in the park because he wouldn’t stop barking at home, and while I was walking through the park, that’s when I met the nude model photographer and owner of the website True Amateur Models!

There was a bench near the park restrooms and that’s where Ray was sitting. He started talking to me about different types of music, movies – small talk stuff. It didn’t take very long before he started discussing nude modeling with me. I consider myself to be a pretty adventurous type of girl, and since nudity doesn’t make me uncomfortable, I decided that I would try a nude modeling shoot! And besides, it makes me horny thinking about all of the guys that will be looking at my nude modeling pictures – and possibly even jerking their dicks!

I hope that you all enjoy looking through my pictures, and be sure to click the link below for more free nude modeling pics of me!
On a side note – please let me know if you would like to shoot again Ray. I had a great time at the shoot and good luck with your website! I really like how a lot of the pictures turned out and I’m going to keep them for a long time! Take care, everybody, and watch out for more content coming from me!