My name is Madison E. and I am 26 years old. I live near Seattle, Washington, but I was in Tampa, Florida visiting my family for the holidays when I came into contact with a nude model photographer that specializes in shooting homemade nude modeling! I was over at the shopping mall and I had already bought all of my gifts for the holidays, but I still needed to buy something for my brother so I decided to walk into one of the clothing stores. Even though I remember seeing Ray Edwards (owner of the amateur, homemade, and nude modeling porn site, True Amateur Models) in the store browsing around, I really didn’t think much of it since I was so busy with the woman that was trying to help me locate a particular type of shirt that I had seen on the store website. I eventually located the shirt and bought it.
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After exiting the store, I walked down to grab some lunch at the food court and that’s where Ray started talking to me about the homemade nude modeling! I was interested in amateur nude modeling, but I still needed to think it over a little more before giving him a definite answer. But yeah, after I went home and looked at the True Amateur Models website, I must admit that I could imagine myself there, and after giving it just a little more thought, I called Ray and we scheduled the homemade nude modeling shoot! I’ve never done any porn or nude modeling before so I am most definitely what you would call a real amateur girl. Well anyway guys, I hope that you all enjoy my high-resolution and homemade nude modeling pictures!